Sabtu, 05 September 2020

What Was I'm Thinking

What was I'm thinking

I do believe that people had three sides at his/herself. The bright or white side, dark, and grey side.

Aku percaya manusia mempunyai tiga sisi yang berbeda dalam hidupnya. Ada sisi yang baik, ada sisi yang gelap dan ada sisi yang abu-abu. Secara pribadi, aku lebih suka sisi yang abu-abu, karena tidak perlu repot untuk mempunyai satu pendapat yang kuat mengenai sesuaitu. Semuanya bisa dinegosiasikan dan akan ada jalan tengan untuk semuanya. Bukan berarti semua pihak yang berkaitan akan senang dengan keputusannya. Tapi setidaknya keputusan itu akan lebih sedikit menyebalkan atau menyakitkan.

Then what was Im thinking if I thought about romantic relationships? Between boy and girl, boy and boy, or girl and girl. You name it, I support the rainbow. Love is Love.

Well in my bright mind, I think that It's a very nice thing to have. I mean, I do want it. To find someone, a girl to call home. Whom I can love and loves me back. For better and for worse, and some more. I hoped that sometimes further down the line I'll find that one. I prayed to God, to couped me with one of His daughters to be my partner in this life. And we will have some years together, wondering this earth. I suppose it would be nice. It's bright tho..

Then on my dark side. Nobody would ever love, no one in the right mind for sure. I was broken, poor, and ugly soul. I have nothing to make that supposed one to be happy, literally. At this quarter life, I am nothing. It's my fault for lack of effort and poor decision, according to some people. Friends from higher ground. So, I have nothing it takes to be with someone. No, not in this lifetime.

Did I believe in reincarnation? 

I don't think I believe it. I want to believe it actually, because it will give hope, in another or next life. That I will have a better life.

See how dark it is right? Blaming something else but myself.

The gray side. I don't think I have a clear opinion on this side. But if I would ever find someone as bad as I am, it would be oke. I would think that the math equation "min x min = positive" can be applied to this. I wouldn't think "min + min = disaster". Hehe..

I don't think I will take any responsibility to add one cute little human being in this disaster I called my world. But it's gray, always middle ground for this.

The end, that a little though I had. For now.



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