Selasa, 25 Februari 2020

I want to write this -A Story

I want to write this. Tell you a little bit why I become less care.
I had a friend from high school, we go to the same university, and sometimes still in touch at marketplace even we in a different city.

I know he has a crush back in high school, and somehow become her boyfriend. He really likes her, his first girlfriend from what I know. But after we graduated from high school, they broke up because he stayed in town and she moved to better college in another city. Long distance relationship is not for everyone, mostly. Besides, we just kids back then, what do we know about the relationship. Its normal story right.

Time past, I think he is moving on. Surely, he gets another girlfriend but she look lot alike his ex. I thought it was just his type. I know she is a beautiful nice girl. And they together since second semester, and in my opinion they cute together.

Until one day in work. He calls me, of course I don't remember all the details, but it's pretty much like this.
Bro "Hy what's up Dan, long time no see"
Dan "Hey Bro, it's fine here. 

B: Halo Dan, apa kabar lu, udah lama banget nggak ngobrol.
D: Halo Bro, iya kan lu yang sibuk banget ya kayaknya.

B: Hahhaha, masak iya si. kayaknya lu juga sibuk deh. aman kerjaan?
D: Alah, sok nanyain kerjaan. Pas gw d tangerang nggak dateng Lu. Ada apa lu tumben ni?
B: Masih bahas itu aja lo gak lupa2 kayak cewek. kan udah pernah kita bahas kan ini.
D: Iye iye, jadi ada apa ni. cerita2 geh.

B: Jadi gini, kemaren gw ketemu S. dia disini sekarang.
D: Tunggu, S dari SMA? bukannya lo masih sama K ya?
B: Iya lah siapa lagi emang. masih sama K kok gw. tapi kan dia cinta pertama gw Bro, masih inget waktu gw sama2 dia. Dia jomblo juga kemaren dia cerita.
D: Kok gw nggak nyambung si, terus kenapa?

B: Iya kayaknya gw masih suka deh sama dia Bro.
D: Waduh, enak ya jadi lo, banyak yg suka tinggal milih aja. tapi kan lu sama K sekarang bro, udah 5 tahun ya. 
B: Kam kam, bukan gitu juga ya. kemaren kami ngopi2 sambil cerita gitu, asik banget ngobrol sama dia setelah sekian lama. asik banget gw sama dia.
D: Iya pasti asik si bro ngobrol sama cinta pertama.
B: Iya dia nggak pernah ngeselin gw dari dulu. kayaknya gw mau sama dia lagi deh Dan.
D: what? kok bisa lu ngomong gitu bro. kalo K tau gimana coba.
B: iya si, tapi ini orang pertama yg gw suka lho dan. kayaknya juga K udah bosen juga sama gw.
D: ah masak si, lu apa K yg bosen Bro?

B: Ish, kok lu malah gitu si Dan, bukan suport gw
D: lah emang gw ngomong apaan si bro. kan gw temen kalian, gw mau yg baik buat kalian dong.
B: Jadi kata lu, gw harus tetep sama K nih? oke deh.
D: Iya, gitu si kalo gw mah ya. lagian kan lu nggak akan inget gimana ngeselinnya S, karena sekarang yg lu pinginin cuman muasin rasa penasaran lu.
B: Iye bawel. (and he hang up, shit guess I made a mistake)

And apparently yes, I made mistakes. we never talk ever since. That bastard also talk to S what I told him, and she hates me. Finally, B and K broke up just before their 6th dating anniversary, and I guess they don't like me anymore either. I'm feel like become part of some collateral damage, and I'm not really there. So much wrong with kids my day, on this day. Sh.

So you see, I messed with someone's life, even with my good intention. I know it's not all my fault, but maybe I'm part of it. The point is, I don't want to mess with someone's life anymore. I just withdraw myself from anyone life and want to enjoy my life.

But now it's become lack of good friends

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